Tuesday 1 February 2011


To creating the textures for the 3D study i first took some digital pictures with a nikon camrea of my carpet and wood texture of my desk.


 After taking them from the camera to the hard drive,i then opened them in Adobe Photoshop, in this software I croped a slection that looked suitable and saved them as a Tga file, the carpet texture and Wallpaper I gray scaled first, then altered the R,G,B to a colour that suited my study, the wood texture seemed to look fine as it was. When applying them in the 3D Modle, I first added a Blinn texture, then added the photos I saved out in Photoshop, i could then select the whole modle or just the faces i wanted the texture to be added to.



Test Animations

Here are a few test animations (linked to Youtube) before any of the final videos, there is no sound on most and the idea was to give a general run through of the animation adn tweek any final bits if needed:

Test 1

Test 2


Final Lamp Animation

Here is the final lamp animation sequence, i have created a Youtube account as compressing the final video file became to pixlelated when streched:-


Assesment Review

After todays assesment on this module, there are a few things I need to upload to my blog, the next few post will be on topics such has textures and how i created/ edited them, a few examples of trial runs of the animation before the final one and so on.