Tuesday 1 February 2011


To creating the textures for the 3D study i first took some digital pictures with a nikon camrea of my carpet and wood texture of my desk.


 After taking them from the camera to the hard drive,i then opened them in Adobe Photoshop, in this software I croped a slection that looked suitable and saved them as a Tga file, the carpet texture and Wallpaper I gray scaled first, then altered the R,G,B to a colour that suited my study, the wood texture seemed to look fine as it was. When applying them in the 3D Modle, I first added a Blinn texture, then added the photos I saved out in Photoshop, i could then select the whole modle or just the faces i wanted the texture to be added to.



Test Animations

Here are a few test animations (linked to Youtube) before any of the final videos, there is no sound on most and the idea was to give a general run through of the animation adn tweek any final bits if needed:

Test 1

Test 2


Final Lamp Animation

Here is the final lamp animation sequence, i have created a Youtube account as compressing the final video file became to pixlelated when streched:-


Assesment Review

After todays assesment on this module, there are a few things I need to upload to my blog, the next few post will be on topics such has textures and how i created/ edited them, a few examples of trial runs of the animation before the final one and so on.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Week 12

Week 12 and after a few tweeks and editing im fairly happy with my final animation result, after reviwing the work overall and a chance to crit myself and the opportunity to start over there would be a few things I would like to improve. It would have been nice to add better textures to give it a more life like look, also maybe learn more about the use of lighting effetcs. In terms of animation it would have been great to animate the flys wings and movements much more life like.
To create the final animation I rendered each frame to a folder (tga format), used free software called VitualDub and impoted all the frames, this crated the full moving animation and saved out as as an avi. I used Adobe Premier to import the video animation, added sound effects which i downloaded from the internet and edited in Audacity, finally expoted full project as a MOV file.



Thursday 13 January 2011

Week 11

Week 11, after a quick review of my animation I decided to retry animating the camera and also figured out how to key frame the lamp to switch ON and OFF, I have now tweek the animation and also changed a few parts in the study its self for example the carpet texture and colour also the skirting boards enlarged slightly. I re rendered the animation again, and have placed it back into Adobe Premier to alter a few sound effects.

Sunday 26 December 2010

Week 10

Week 10, I have now started to animate the project, after a few renders and tweeks I am reasonably happy with the way its looking.  I have altered a few sections for example I am no longer moving the bin when the fly hits it, I have also altered the room slighlty by removing objects that will not be in view as my main focus will be in one area. When I have mananged to complete the final render I will attempt to put the avi into Adobe Premier to add sound effects,the animation is based on comedy in the end but the sound will give it that edge/effect needed.